How to boost your professional & personal VISUAL ID,
to be truly you - in the best light?

65% of the population uses SIGHT as their primary sense.
Therefore, VISUAL IDENTITY is a key element of any BRANDING Strategy.
In a thriving BUSINESS and for career growth in ORGANIZATIONS. 

The way you present yourself visually affects your clients and employers and evokes certain emotions and perceptions in them. Consciously and subconsciously.
And that's how you influence their approach to you and their DECISIONS towards you.  

The clearer you are about HOW you want to be perceived and WHO you want to reach, the better Visual ID can be aligned with your intention.
Correctly grasped then expresses certain VALUES, VISION, POSITIONING, maybe even MISSION.
And because of this, you attract people ON THE SAME WAVE.

Signature Branding UPGRADE & PHOTOSHOOT as a unique synergy of 2 EXPERTISES
You will start with a 60-minute Strategic Consultation with LUCIE - to define your Signature Branding ID & the PURPOSE of your Photoshoot to create aligned SCENARIO. You will get  outfits & accessories recommendations. We will fix the DATE of the Photoshoot.

Book your Photoshoot call 
LENKA will focus to create your PORTRAITS from the best perspective & light, while LUCIE will supervise staying aligned with your Signature Branding ID & SCENARIO. As result, you gain 2 EXPERTISES support at once. 

Check up our Signature Branding photos HERE.
Your Signature Branding  COLLECTION OF PORTRAITS will empower your online PRESENTATION - through all the communication channels, CV, portfolio, media & PR. This will unlock your NEW CHAPTER with new opportunities!

You can get inspired HERE.

Feeling for Branding & design in connection with Marketing & Business expertise enables Lucie to recognize the specific DNA of your Brand and your specific Personal & Career Identity.

Lucie will define for you the presentation style in accordance with your personal background & professional domain and create the SCENARIO.  As result, you will get Signature Branding COLLECTION OF PORTRAITS - for your on-line presentation.


Lenka's creative talent, sense of beauty and 20 years of expertise in the field of photo portraits predispose her to the specific creation of Signature Branding PHOTO COLLECTIONS with an emphasis on the uniqueness of everyone. 

Lenka is based on the script & brief from Lucie, focusing on creation from the best perspective, in a natural light. Her PORTRAITS are authentic, only gently retouched, aligned with your purpose.
Signature Branding UPGRADE & PHOTOSHOOT
Pack includes
:: 60min on-line or off-line CONSULTING  of your Photoshoot's purpose with Lucie
:: SCENARIO for you | 2 - 3 outfit + recommended styling, including accessories
:: Signature Branding Photoshoot eMANUAL | recommandations, tips & tricks to be well prepared
:: RENTAL FEE of the Photoshoot space
:: PHOTOSHOOT with Lenka Inside, eventually outside | by agreement & weather
:: Organization, coordination & Signature Branding STYLING ASSISTANCE & SUPERVISION during the Photoshoot
:: Water, Coffee / Tea, Snacks

Price of the Pack of 1 hour Photoshoot (15 - 20 portraits) is 15 000 CZK (600 €)
Price of the Pack of 2 hours Photoshoot (30 - 40 portraits) is 23 000 CZK (920 €)

The package does not include the Make-up & Hair Artist service - we recommend your own make-up style and hair (beard for men) to make the portraits authentic.

At your request, however, we can recommend a Make-up & Hair Artist and Stylist, with whom we worked during the Life-style photo shoot.

L U C I E   N A V A R O
She studied marketing & business in Prague (CZ) and Orléans (FR). She continuously educates herself and follows global trends.

She created her first Le Bourgin brand when she started importing French wines to the Czech Republic as a fresh graduate.

Later, she worked on inspiring projects in various fields as an external consultant and as an NGO founder. She also worked in strategic Marketing positions in-house.

Now she connects her Branding expertise with Systemic Coaching as an independent Signature Branding Strategist & Coach.

L E N K A   S E N I Č O V Á
Lenka has been taking pictures since childhood, although she started her adult career in the world of global banking.

She still devoted herself to her artistic work in her free time and gradually also educated herself in this field.

Thanks to the growing interest in her art, she found courage and decided to devote herself fully to her passion.

She has been working as a professional photographer for 20 years, focusing on portraits - personal and professional.

She perceives the Signature Branding Photoshoot as an interesting opportunity to develop her artistic spirit in the Business area.

She can create a relaxed atmosphere and capture the true individuality from the best perspective.

Her portraits are only lightly retouched to remain authentically natural.
Are you ready to show your TRUE SIGNATURE IDENTITY to the world
at its best light
& in accordance with your professional positioning?
Let's talk about your projects and how to support their success by upgrading your VISUAL IDENTITY!
Take the next steps  to your soulmate clients!